
Find Your Next Employee

From welders and cardiac sonographers to diesel techs and UI/UX designers, we help your company find the talent you need. 

Developing Talent From The Ground Up

From welders and cardiac sonographers to diesel techs and UI/UX designers, we help your company find the talent you need. We pay to recruit, vet, and train talent upfront – all you do is test drive your new employee in a working interview. At the end of the working interview, you can convert the employee to permanent status, continue employment on a temporary basis, or decline further engagement with that particular candidate.

  • No upfront costs
  • No permanent employee obligation
  • No training or hiring investment risk

Meritize Hiring Solutions

On-demand recruiting and training

  • Existing candidates are available for immediate start dates
  • Candidates are recently trained at approved Meritized training partner facilities
  • Simple terms with agreed-to bill rates and conversion fees
  • No long-term contract

Outsourced recruiting and training

  • Large number of candidates for multiple markets recruited and trained for ongoing start dates
  • Training and recruitment programs are customized and managed with dedicated teams
  • Outsourced contract for long-term commitment, curriculum, rates and end-to-end talent development

Benefits of Working With Meritize

Meritize Capital

Use our capital to fund recruitment, vetting and training upfront, reducing your upfront investment and risk

Quality Training Programs

Access hundreds of Meritize training programs, nation-wide, to provide candidates expert training

Free Career Services

Give trainees access to free, new-to-the-job coaching, helping them develop skills to achieve professional success at your company

Learn More

If you’re an employer looking to close your skills gap, we’d love to tell you more about how Meritize can help. Let us show you how with a no-cost / no-obligation assessment.